Designed by one of the world’s largest pipeline operators for the safe injection of flushing liquids into pressurized valves and vessels. Proven to flush out clogged riser pipes on large diameter buried valves, flush foreign debris from valve bodies and critical seal faces.
Proven effective – 2 years in development and 3 years in field service.
Flush contaminants from critical internal seals before and after pigging exercises to extend valve seal life. Consisting of 8SFD-40 Liquid Pump with Arctic Modification Drive Assembly, fluid reservoir with fill port , air drive regulator, air drive filter, air drive gauge, speed control valve, return to tank valve, outlet regulator capable of 3 gpm at 2,000 PSI, relief valve to be downstream of outlet regulator and to drain back to tank, hydraulic accumulator suitable for diesel fuel, isolation valve for accumulator, and outlet pressure gauge all housed in a metal cart frame with gauges panel-mounted and wheels. Parts available on request.
24 gallon capacity tank.
Arctic-duty rated regulator to be (using Buna-C seals)
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