AHSTCO's Hydraulic Pump Manifold is new system of tools to actively tackle the problem of plugged drain valves. Drain valves are an imponant aspect of any Ball or Gate valve that provides access to body cavity. The drain valves are mainly us. in situations to test the passing rate of ball valve (in case of double block a. bleed), perform cavity sealing in case of badly passing valves or perform services such as internal chemical cleaning.
With this new system already plugged valves can be opened to operate via injection of our products at pressure greater than 20% of line pressure. Once injection has started, monitor the pressure gauge until the set pressure is achieved. Then the pressure is locked via the mechanisrn on the hydraulic pump. This process is repeated until the drain valve is unplugged.
• Identify plugged drain valve
• Connect safety manifold
• Connect manifold via high pressure hose
• Ensure relief valve is closed. Open drain valve
• Apply pressure up to 20% greater than the line pressure
• Lock pressure and monitor gauge
• When pressure reduced, it means drain valve is getting unplugged